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‘tidyprompt’ is an R package to prompt and empower your large language models (LLMs), the tidy way.

Key features of ‘tidyprompt’ are:

  • tidy prompting: Quickly and elegantly construct prompts for LLMs, using piping syntax (inspired by the ‘tidyverse’). Wrap a base prompt in prompt wraps to influence how the LLM handles the prompt. A library of pre-built prompt wraps is included, but you can also write your own.

  • structured output: Extract structured output from the LLM’s response, and validate it. Automatic retries with feedback to the LLM, if the output is not as expected.

  • reasoning modes: Make your LLM answer in a specific mode, such as chain-of-thought or ReAct (Reasoning and Acting) modes.

  • function calling: Give your LLM the ability to autonomously call R functions (‘tools’). With this, the LLM can retrieve information or take other actions. ‘tidyprompt’ also supports R code generation and evaluation, allowing LLMs to run R code.

  • compatible with all LLM providers: Usable with any LLM provider that supports chat completion. Use included LLM providers such as Ollama (local PC/on your own server), OpenAI, OpenRouter (offering various providers, including Anthropic), Mistral, Groq, XAI (Grok), or Google Gemini. Or easily write your own hook for any other LLM provider.


You can install the development version of tidyprompt from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")

Getting started

Setup an LLM provider

‘tidyprompt’ can be used with any LLM provider capable of completing a chat.

At the moment, ‘tidyprompt’ includes pre-built functions to connect with various LLM providers, such as Ollama, OpenAI, OpenRouter, Mistral, Groq, XAI (Grok), and Google Gemini.

With llm_provider(), you can easily write a hook for any other LLM provider. You could make API calls using the ‘httr’ package or use another R package that already has a hook for the LLM provider you want to use. If your API of choice follows the structure of the OpenAI API, you can call llm_provider_openai() and change the relevant parameters (like the URL and the API key).

# Ollama running on local PC
ollama <- llm_provider_ollama(
  parameters = list(model = "llama3.1:8b"),

# OpenAI API
openai <- llm_provider_openai(
  parameters = list(model = "gpt-4o-mini")

# Various providers via OpenRouter (e.g., Anthropic)
openrouter <- llm_provider_openrouter(
  parameters = list(model = "anthropic/claude-3.5-sonnet")

# ... functions also included for Mistral, Groq, XAI (Grok), and Google Gemini

# ... or easily create your own hook for any other LLM provider;
#   see ?llm_provider for more information; also take a look at the source code of
#   llm_provider_ollama() and llm_provider_openai(). For APIs that follow the structure
#   of the OpenAI API for chat completion, you can use llm_provider_openai() and change
#   the relevant parameters (like the url and the API key).

Basic prompting

A simple string serves as the base for a prompt.

By adding prompt wraps, you can influence various aspects of how the LLM handles the prompt, while verifying that the output is structured and valid (including retries with feedback to the LLM if it is not).

  "Hi there!" |>
#> --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
#> Hi there!
#> --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
#> It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with or would you like to chat?
#> [1] "It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with or would you like to chat?"

add_text() is a simple example of a prompt wrap. It simply adds some text at the end of the base prompt.

  "Hi there!" |>
    add_text("What is a large language model? Explain in 10 words.") |>
#> --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
#> Hi there!
#> What is a large language model? Explain in 10 words.
#> --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
#> Advanced computer program that understands and generates human-like written text.
#> [1] "Advanced computer program that understands and generates human-like written text."

You can also construct the final prompt text, without sending it to an LLM provider.

  "Hi there!" |>
    add_text("What is a large language model? Explain in 10 words.")
#> <tidyprompt>
#> The base prompt is modified by a prompt wrap, resulting in:
#> > Hi there!
#> > 
#> > What is a large language model? Explain in 10 words. 
#> Use '<tidyprompt>$prompt_wraps' to show the prompt wraps.
#> Use '<tidyprompt>$base_prompt' to show the base prompt text.
#> Use '<tidyprompt> |> construct_prompt_text()' to get the full prompt text.

Retrieving output in a specific format

Using prompt wraps, you can force the LLM to return the output in a specific format. You can also extract the output to turn it from a character into another data type.

For instance, answer_as_integer() adds a prompt wrap which forces the LLM to reply with an integer.

To achieve this, the prompt wrap will add some text to the base prompt, asking the LLM to reply with an integer. However, the prompt wrap does more: it also will attempt to extract and validate the integer from the LLM’s response. If extraction or validation fails, feedback is sent back to the LLM, after which the LLM can retry answering the prompt. Because the extraction function turns the original character response into a numeric value, the final output from send_prompt() will also be a numeric type.

  "What is 2 + 2?" |>
    answer_as_integer() |>
#> --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
#> What is 2 + 2?
#> You must answer with only an integer (use no other characters).
#> --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
#> 4
#> [1] 4

Below is an example of a prompt which will initially fail, but will succeed after llm_feedback() and a retry.

  "What is 2 + 2?" |>
    add_text("Please write out your reply in words, use no numbers.") |>
    answer_as_integer(add_instruction_to_prompt = FALSE) |>
#> --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
#> What is 2 + 2?
#> Please write out your reply in words, use no numbers.
#> --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
#> Two plus two equals four.
#> --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
#> You must answer with only an integer (use no other characters).
#> --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
#> 4
#> [1] 4

Adding a reasoning mode to the LLM

Prompt wraps may also be used to add a reasoning mode to the LLM. It is hypothesized that this could improve the LLM’s performance on more complex tasks.

For instance, answer_by_chain_of_thought() will add chain of thought reasoning mode to the prompt evaluation by the LLM. The function wraps the base prompt text within a request for the LLM to reason step by step, asking it to provide the final answer within ‘FINISH[]’. An extraction function then ensures only the final answer is returned.

  "What is 2 + 2?" |>
    answer_by_chain_of_thought() |>
    answer_as_integer() |>
#> --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
#> You are given a user's prompt.
#> To answer the user's prompt, you need to think step by step to arrive at a final answer.
#> ----- START OF USER'S PROMPT -----
#> What is 2 + 2?
#> You must answer with only an integer (use no other characters).
#> ----- END OF USER'S PROMPT -----
#> What are the steps you would take to answer the user's prompt?
#> Describe your thought process in the following format:
#>   >> step 1: <step 1 description>
#>   >> step 2: <step 2 description>
#>   (etc.)
#> When you are done, you must type:
#> FINISH[<put here your final answer to the user's prompt>]
#> Make sure your final answer follows the logical conclusion of your thought process.
#> --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
#> >> step 1: Identify the mathematical operation requested in the prompt, which is addition.
#> The prompt asks for the sum of 2 and 2.
#> >> step 2: Recall the basic arithmetic fact that 2 + 2 equals a specific number.
#> This is a fundamental math concept that can be recalled from memory or learned through experience.
#> >> step 3: Apply this knowledge to determine that the sum of 2 and 2 is indeed 4.
#> The numerical value of 4 is derived directly from knowing that 2 added to itself results in a total count of four items, quantities, or values.
#> --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
#> Error, could not parse your final answer.
#> Please type: 'FINISH[<put here your final answer to the original prompt>]'
#> --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
#> FINISH[4]
#> [1] 4

Giving tools to the LLM (autonomous function-calling)

With add_tools(), you can define your own R functions and give the LLM the ability to call them and process their output. This enables the LLM to autonomously retrieve additional information or take other actions.

  # Define a function that returns fake data about the temperature in a location
  temperature_in_location <- function(
    location = c("Amsterdam", "Utrecht", "Enschede"),
    unit = c("Celcius", "Fahrenheit")
  ) {
    #' llm_tool::name temperature_in_location
    #' llm_tool::description Get the temperature in a location
    #' llm_tool::param location Location, must be one of: "Amsterdam", "Utrecht", "Enschede"
    #' llm_tool::param unit Unit, must be one of: "Celcius", "Fahrenheit"
    #' llm_tool::return The temperature in the specified location and unit
    #' llm_tool::example
    #' temperature_in_location("Amsterdam", "Fahrenheit")

    # As shown above, one can use docstring-like text to document the function.
    #   This will provide the LLM information on what the function does,
    #   and how it should be used.

    location <- match.arg(location)
    unit <- match.arg(unit)

    temperature_celcius <- switch(
      "Amsterdam" = 32.5,
      "Utrecht" = 19.8,
      "Enschede" = 22.7

    if (unit == "Celcius") {
    } else {
      return(temperature_celcius * 9/5 + 32)

  # Ask the LLM a question which can be answered with the function
  "Hi, what is the weather temperature in Enschede?" |>
    add_text("I want to know the Celcius degrees.") |>
    answer_as_integer() |>
    add_tools(temperature_in_location) |>
#> --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
#> Hi, what is the weather temperature in Enschede?
#> I want to know the Celcius degrees.
#> You must answer with only an integer (use no other characters).
#> If you need more information, you can call functions to help you.
#> To call a function, type:
#>   FUNCTION[<function name here>](<argument 1>, <argument 2>, etc...)
#> The following functions are available:
#> function name: temperature_in_location
#> description: Get the temperature in a location
#> arguments:
#>     - location: Location, must be one of: "Amsterdam", "Utrecht", "Enschede"
#>     - unit: Unit, must be one of: "Celcius", "Fahrenheit"
#> return value: The temperature in the specified location and unit
#> example usage: FUNCTION[temperature_in_location]("Amsterdam", "Fahrenheit")
#> After you call a function, wait until you receive more information.
#> --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
#> I'll call the `temperature_in_location` function with the necessary arguments.
#> FUNCTION[temperature_in_location]("Enschede", "Celcius")
#> --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
#> function called: temperature_in_location
#> arguments used: location = Enschede, unit = Celcius
#> result: 22.7
#> --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
#> The current temperature in Enschede is 22.7°C.
#> --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
#> You must answer with only an integer (use no other characters).
#> --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
#> 22
#> [1] 22

Code generation and evaluation

answer_as_code() provides a more advanced prompt wrap, which has various options to enable LLM code generation. R code can be extracted, parsed for validity, and optionally be evaluated in a dedicated R session (using the ‘callr’ package). The prompt wrap can also be set to ‘tool mode’ (with output_as_tool = TRUE), where the output of R code is returned to the LLM, so that it can be used to formulate a final answer.

# From prompt to ggplot
plot <- paste0(
  "Create a scatter plot of miles per gallon (mpg) versus",
  " horsepower (hp) for the cars in the mtcars dataset.",
  " Use different colors to represent the number of cylinders (cyl).",
  " Make the plot nice and readable,",
  " but also be creative, a little crazy, and have humour!"
) |>
    pkgs_to_use = c("ggplot2"),
    evaluate_code = TRUE,
    return_mode = "object"
  ) |>

Creating your own prompt wraps

Using prompt_wrap(), you can create your own prompt wraps. An input for prompt_wrap() wrap may be string or a tidyprompt object. If you pass a string, it will be automatically turned into a tidyprompt object.

Under the hood, a tidyprompt object is just a list with a base prompt (a string) and a series of prompt wraps. prompt_wrap() adds a new prompt wrap to the list of prompt wraps. Each prompt wrap is a list with a modification function, an extraction function, and/or a validation function (at least one of these functions must be present). The modification function alters the prompt text, the extraction function applies a transformation to the LLM’s response, and the validation function checks if the (transformed) LLM’s response is valid.

Both extraction and validation functions can return feedback to the LLM, using llm_feedback(). When an extraction or validation function returns this, a message is sent back to the LLM, and the LLM can retry answering the prompt according to the feedback. Feedback messages may be a reiteration of instruction or a specific error message which occured during extraction or validation. When all extractions and validations have been applied without resulting in feedback, the LLM’s response (after transformations by the extraction functions) will be returned. (send_prompt() is responsible for executing this process.)

Below is a simple example of a prompt wrap, which just adds some text to the base prompt:

prompt <- "Hi there!" |>
    modify_fn = function(base_prompt) {
      paste(base_prompt, "How are you?", sep = "\n\n")

Shorter notation of the above would be:

prompt <- "Hi there!" |>
  prompt_wrap(\(x) paste(x, "How are you?", sep = "\n\n"))

Often times, it may be preferred to make a function which takes a prompt and returns a wrapped prompt:

my_prompt_wrap <- function(prompt) {
  modify_fn <- function(base_prompt) {
    paste(base_prompt, "How are you?", sep = "\n\n")

  prompt_wrap(prompt, modify_fn)
prompt <- "Hi there!" |>

Take look at the source code of answer_as_boolean(), which also uses extraction:

answer_as_boolean <- function(
    true_definition = NULL,
    false_definition = NULL,
    add_instruction_to_prompt = TRUE
) {
  instruction <- "You must answer with only TRUE or FALSE (use no other characters)."
  if (!is.null(true_definition))
    instruction <- paste(instruction, glue::glue("TRUE means: {true_definition}."))
  if (!is.null(false_definition))
    instruction <- paste(instruction, glue::glue("FALSE means: {false_definition}."))

  modify_fn <- function(original_prompt_text) {
    if (!add_instruction_to_prompt) {


  extraction_fn <- function(x) {
    normalized <- tolower(trimws(x))
    if (normalized %in% c("true", "false")) {

  prompt_wrap(prompt, modify_fn, extraction_fn)

Take a look at the source code of, for instance, answer_as_integer(), answer_by_chain_of_thought(), and add_tools() for more advanced examples of prompt wraps.

Breaking out of the evaluation loop

In some cases, you may want to exit the extraction or validation process early. For instance, your LLM may indicate that it is unable to answer the prompt. In such cases, you can have your extraction or validation function return llm_break(). This will cause the evaluation loop to break, forwarding to the return statement of send_prompt(). See quit_if() for an example of this.

Extraction versus validation functions

Both extraction and validation functions can return llm_break() or llm_feedback(). The difference between extraction and validation functions is only that an extraction may transform the LLM response and pass it on to the next extraction and/or validation functions, while a validation function only checks if the LLM response passes a logical test (without altering the response). Thus, if you wish, you can perform validations in an extraction function.

Prompt wrap types and order of application

When constructing the prompt text and when evaluating a prompt, prompt wraps are applied prompt wrap after prompt wrap (e.g., first the extraction and validation functions of one wrap, then of the other).

The order in which prompt wraps are applied is important. Currently, four types of prompt wraps are distinguished: ‘unspecified’, ‘break’, ‘mode’, and ‘tool’.

When constructing the prompt text, prompt wraps are applied in the order of these types. Prompt wraps will be automatically reordered if necesarry (keeping intact the order of prompt wraps of the same type).

When evaluating the prompt, prompt wraps are applied in the reverse order of types (i.e., first ‘tool’, then ‘mode’, then ‘break’, and finally ‘unspecified’). This is because ‘tool’ prompt wraps may return a value to be used in the final answer, ‘mode’ prompt wraps alter how a LLM forms a final answer, ‘break’ prompt wraps quit evaluation early based on a specific final answer, and ‘unspecified’ prompt wraps are the most general type of prompt wraps which force a final answer to be in a specific format.

More information and contributing

‘tidyprompt’ is under active development by Luka Koning () and Tjark van de Merwe (). Note that in this stage, the package is not yet fully stable and its architecture is subject to change.

If you encounter issues, please open an issue in the GitHub repository. You are welcome to contribute to the package by opening a pull request. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can also reach us via e-mail.